
Research shows that children with high attendance at nursery have a significant advantage. They start school with increased readiness, confidence and knowledge. 

At Birchfield we encourage full attendance. 

We appreciate that children are often ill. Where unavoidable absence is caused by illness please contact the school office or report via our Spider app on the first day of absence.

We also appreciate that families have holidays/special events they do not wish to miss. Please complete an absence request form via the school spider app to ensure that this is authorised and logged in our registers.

Our teaching sessions start as soon as children enter the nursery, either through child-initiated activitiy or focussed group work. We ask that children arrive as close to 9.00am as possible.

Good attendance and punctuality establishes good habits from the start and will support your child in future education.


To check whether you should keeo your child off nursery. please click on the following NHS link for guidance: